100 #Phonics Flash Cards * Dinosoft and Senari Software bring you innovative ways for your child to learn\ independently with the aid of the computer. Curriculum materials from textbooks currently in use have been enhanced\ with graphics and animation. @ #Main Menu Options *The Classroom The lessons Dino has prepared for your child are in the classroom. It has two\ main concepts: Matching Letters and Learning Sounds. @ #Main Menu Options *Progress Report Your child's latest score in each section is recorded by the computer.\ You may print out a report using this option. @ #Main Menu Options *Parent's Page The material you are now reading. @ #Matching Letters *Options -Lower to Upper Case Letters -Lower Case to Script Letters -Upper to Lower Case Letters -Script to Lower Case Letters -Script to Upper Case Letters -Upper Case to Script Letters @ #Matching Letters *Procedure Match each letter of the alphabet with the same letter in a different type\ style. The perfect score for each section is 26. If a mistake is made,\ Dino puts the letters together so the child can compare them. @ #Learning Sounds *Options -Beginning Consonant Sounds -Middle Consonant Sounds -Ending Consonant Sounds @ #Learning Sounds *Procedure When the help button is clicked Dino will show you each of the three words\ above the pictures. Otherwise, the words will simply appear over each of\ the flash cards after you have made your choice. @ #Learning Sounds *Scoring The student gets 2 points for each correct answer if he gets it without help.\ One point is awarded for getting the answer with help. @ #To learn about other Dinosoft Titles * -In the Dinosoft for Windows program group -click on the icon "Dinosoft Product Catalog." $